torsdag den 30. august 2012

Up - date in the Routes

Today there has been some up-dates in the Route - pages. I hope they are to your liking and will prove usefull. Comming soon will addition to the Treasure page and the activities pages. Hope you enjoy,

Claude Duc who was in direct contact with the treasure. His section will also be update shortly. If needed we could add a map of his whereabouts after his escape from prison.
There is more updates comming and I will keep you posted.

Kryger Gold

This is other great link describe lost treasure of the world:
Of thoose treasure the Historic Traveler might take a look at "John the Bad"

Please let me know if you know more about this myth.

The Russian Amber Room

Well - The Amber room is allways alluring.

There was rumours about a German getting close but that is some time ago and nothing is showing up about a find on the net.

The Dutchmann Gold

The Dutchman Gold

Historic TravelerPosted by Lasse Juhl Wed, August 29, 2012 14:34:46
I wish you the best of luck as theese can be differcult to reach, expect perhaps the Dutchman Gold

This myth was more material online for research.

This is the Historic Travelers Blog

If The historic Traveler will find enough materiale then this would be right up there beside "John The Bad" which have some sourcematerial for me to work with.
The Tomb of Djengis Khan and Kublaj Khan.