mandag den 20. maj 2013

The Childhood of Bouille

It was so cold that winter. The snow lay higher than ever before, the streams frozen solid, and the furnaces was filled with wood to keep the nursery warm. The village people only left the houses when they were needed at the castle which was seldom as winter had closed many of regular activities. The aminals of the forest shrug and looked for food closer to the castle then usually and if the servants had had a minutes time to look out the windows they could have spotted the deer and hares scrapping the frozen ground. This was most certainly colder than last year. In the middle of the land lay the great white castle with the towers and fountains and the beautiful park surrounding it. Close by the stream lay still as it was frozen almost all through. But if one was to enter the castle it hummed with strange and unusually sound and chores that hadn´t happen in years. In the nursery the young mother lay ready to give birth to her first born child and the future heir to the castle. She was in awfull pain and she cried from the pains and prayed to God that the baby would come soon and be perfect and live many years as many badies usually died with their first year. Then she almost blackouted. As custom foretold the father was not allowed into the room but the hasting servant and his wifes cries had the young man worried. Then suddenly the midwife told the young women to push. “Push – push” she said and gave the young women a stern look. The young women almost drained of energy pushed and dropped back in her pillow. “Push” the midwife cried out loud. And Marie-Albertine as the young women was called rose one more time to push. Then a babys loud cry was heard – the midwife hastily called for help from the servants to take the baby and then the midwife looked at Marie-Albertine in order to guide her through the rest. But Maire-Albertine had sunk lifeless to the side. Her life emming slowly from her body.

The chambermaid left the room with the little boy as the cry of the midwife was heard throughout the castle. The father confused by the many different cries enter the nursery to see his wife laying lifeless in the bed and the midwife franticly trying to bring her back to life. The young man felt his heart stop and rushed to help the midwife. As a precaution they had called in the surgeon who was waiting in the kitchen. The surgeon and midwife worked for hours but the young women was dead – after giving birth to the infant boy. The husband Guillaume-Antoine went to see his boy and promised himself that this boy was to do his late mother honor. –“  By learning the history of our origin, the brilliance of the dignities, we had been given, and the allicenes we have entered, you will know how your goal


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